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Parliament adopts 2022 budget


The Lithuanian parliament adopted the country’s state budget for 2022 after 71 MPs voted in favor, there were no votes against and there were four abstentions.

Representing the ruling conservative Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats, Mykolas Majauskas, chairman of the parliamentary Budget and Finance Committee, says it’s an important budget as it will increase people’s income, which is very important amid growing prices.

“More than 1 billion euros is being allocated for that,” he estimated

Next year’s budget revenue is estimated at 14.381 billion euros, including EU funds, with expenditure planned at 16.628 billion euros. The general government deficit is projected at 3.3 percent of GDP.

The general government deficit is projected at 3.3 percent of GDP.

The state debt is estimated to amount 44.8 percent GDP next year, up by one percentage point from this year.


The Lithuanian parliament adopted the country’s state budget for 2022 after 71 MPs voted in favor, there were no votes against and there were four abstentions.

Representing the ruling conservative Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats, Mykolas Majauskas, chairman of the parliamentary Budget and Finance Committee, says it’s an important budget as it will increase people’s income, which is very important amid growing prices.

“More than 1 billion euros is being allocated for that,” he estimated

Next year’s budget revenue is estimated at 14.381 billion euros, including EU funds, with expenditure planned at 16.628 billion euros. The general government deficit is projected at 3.3 percent of GDP.

The general government deficit is projected at 3.3 percent of GDP.

The state debt is estimated to amount 44.8 percent GDP next year, up by one percentage point from this year.


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