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Each company operating in Lithuania must submit reports to various organizations: Social insurance Inspectorate (SODRA), Tax Inspectorate (VMI), centre of registers (Registrų centras), Customs Department (Muitinės departamentas), Migration Department (Migracijos departamentas), etc. For successful accounting it is necessary to speak the Lithuanian language, know the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, as well as have a higher education related to accounting and understand the principles of this work. Failure to submit reports intime, unpaid taxes or delays in their payment- all this can lead to some problems with public authorities. It would be difficult for a foreign citizen to keep the books himself, so he needs an accountant who would be able to prepare and submit all the necessary documents to certain institutions. Such an employee will always tell you what taxes you need to pay, will be able to accompany You during visits to the Migration Department and other institutions.


Each company operating in Lithuania must submit reports to various organizations: Social insurance Inspectorate (SODRA), Tax Inspectorate (VMI), centre of registers (Registrų centras), Customs Department (Muitinės departamentas), Migration Department (Migracijos departamentas), etc. For successful accounting it is necessary to speak the Lithuanian language, know the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, as well as have a higher education related to accounting and understand the principles of this work. Failure to submit reports intime, unpaid taxes or delays in their payment- all this can lead to some problems with public authorities. It would be difficult for a foreign citizen to keep the books himself, so he needs an accountant who would be able to prepare and submit all the necessary documents to certain institutions. Such an employee will always tell you what taxes you need to pay, will be able to accompany You during visits to the Migration Department and other institutions.

What are the advantages of accounting support in Lithuania?

If You have opened a company in Lithuania, or you are doing business in Europe, our specialists can offer you their accounting services on the best terms. You no longer have to worry about book keeping – our accountants will take care of it. Close working relationships help us better understand our clients’ financial goals, so we are always ready to answer all your questions and provide the following accounting services:

  •   keeping books from primary accounting documents to financial and tax reporting;
  •   representation in all state bodies (social insurance Inspectorate, tax Inspectorate, Etc.), as well as in private enterprises;
  •   tax advice;
  •   audit;
  •   financial analysis of the company’s operating results with conclusions.

Change of accountant

How to understand that it is time to change an accountant?
Many executives have ever wondered if it’s time to change an accountant. In today’s world, where accounting is conducted with the help of accounting software, it is not as difficult as it may seem. Now it is very easy to change a full-time accountant to a firm that provides accounting services or another specialist in this field. It even happens that it is possible to save money. Especially in cases where the former accountant did not work productively and the new company uses in its work technologies that help to improve business efficiency, as well as save time and money.

However, savings are not always the main reason for the change of specialist or firm providing accounting services. It often happens that the head or owner of the company is dissatisfied with the fact that its chief accountant is not available, if necessary, or the quality of the services provided does not meet the requirements.

In any case, if the decision to change the accountant has already been made, we will be happy to help you throughout the process. The change itself will not cost you anything, in the event that Your accounting was conducted properly and is not running. If everything is not so smooth, then first of all You should agree with us all the conditions for bringing such accounting in order.

Usually the companies change accountants at the end of the financial year so that the previous employee can finish the financial report and submit a profit Declaration. This tactic is logical, but in these times of innovation and information systems does not necessarily wait for the right moment, because all the necessary information can be transferred in full at the end of the financial month. So why we should wait until the end of the year? In today’s world, this is not necessary absolutely..

Our company will be able to help You at every stage of the process of changing an accountant. We will send you for signature not only the contract on accounting services, but also all the necessary documents for the delegation of authorities that allow us to freely submit Your tax and financial statements to the appropriate institutions. Our staff will also contact your previous accountant and gather all the information necessary for the further successful conducting of your accounting.

How to put in order neglected accounting?

If you’re desperate at the thought of messing up your company’s accounting, don’t worry and breathe deeply. You are not the first to find yourself in such a situation and there is a solution to the problem. However, it should be taken into account that You fall into a group of clients with which not every accounting firm can work. After all, most of them are already loaded with the current problems of their clients, and will be a lot of work with deserted accounting. However, we will always come to your aid and help to restore order in reporting, declarations and accounting in general.

Service called Improvement of deserted accounting suitable for those who usually worked with his accounting personally, but due to lack of time or for some other reason, this work was somewhat deserted. The service will be also useful for those who trusted the hired firm, which did not cope with their work and deserted the accounting. We can help you without hesitation or delay.


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