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Palanga Airport opens Covid-19 testing site

testing site

Services of testing for COVID-19 begin to be provided next to Palanga Airport from the morning of 9 April. A laboratory research company has established its post near the passenger terminal of the seaside airport – paid testing services will be provided here in line with the schedule of flights (the services will be also provided on weekends).

Travellers are reminded that in order for the test to be performed at the airport, travellers should register on the website before arrival or departure (registration is also possible by the specified phone number), to be present at the test point at least 5 minutes before the scheduled visit time, and have an identity document on hand.

“We can safely say that people trust our services and appreciate convenience. People come back to us to have tests done not only before they leave the country but also after they return from abroad. We were unable, so far, to offer to our customers our services in Klaipeda region. Therefore, after we started our activities at Palanga Airport, we will give an opportunity to have tests for COVID-19 done not only for all travellers, but also for people living or working in the nearby area“, – says Daiva Kazlauskienė, Director of and the president of Lithuania’s diagnostics and treatment providers’ association.

Lithuanian Airports remind that, as result of procedures for verification of additional documents and medical certificates before flight, processes at airports can take longer than before the pandemic.

Passengers are asked to estimate how much time they will need for test and for obtaining result thereof, and, accordingly, add the planned duration of the test to usual recommendations regarding the arrival time. It is recommended to arrive at the airport more than 2 hours before the flight.

All passengers are also recommended to find out the latest requirements of the countries for arriving travellers. They are advised to check sources of information of the other country’s official authorities, and, if necessary, to talk with the representatives of the airline from which the passenger purchased the flight ticket.

testing site

Services of testing for COVID-19 begin to be provided next to Palanga Airport from the morning of 9 April. A laboratory research company has established its post near the passenger terminal of the seaside airport – paid testing services will be provided here in line with the schedule of flights (the services will be also provided on weekends).

Travellers are reminded that in order for the test to be performed at the airport, travellers should register on the website before arrival or departure (registration is also possible by the specified phone number), to be present at the test point at least 5 minutes before the scheduled visit time, and have an identity document on hand.

“We can safely say that people trust our services and appreciate convenience. People come back to us to have tests done not only before they leave the country but also after they return from abroad. We were unable, so far, to offer to our customers our services in Klaipeda region. Therefore, after we started our activities at Palanga Airport, we will give an opportunity to have tests for COVID-19 done not only for all travellers, but also for people living or working in the nearby area“, – says Daiva Kazlauskienė, Director of and the president of Lithuania’s diagnostics and treatment providers’ association.

Lithuanian Airports remind that, as result of procedures for verification of additional documents and medical certificates before flight, processes at airports can take longer than before the pandemic.

Passengers are asked to estimate how much time they will need for test and for obtaining result thereof, and, accordingly, add the planned duration of the test to usual recommendations regarding the arrival time. It is recommended to arrive at the airport more than 2 hours before the flight.

All passengers are also recommended to find out the latest requirements of the countries for arriving travellers. They are advised to check sources of information of the other country’s official authorities, and, if necessary, to talk with the representatives of the airline from which the passenger purchased the flight ticket.


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