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In Lithuania, similar to other countries, it is required to have a license for the certain types of activity. License is a permit to an enterprise, issued by the relevant government authority, to carry out the respective types of activity, specified in the license. Documents required for obtaining the respective license, institutions and the sequence of addressing them, terms and conditions of the license issuance – all these things depend on the type of a license you wish to obtain. In Lithuania, licenses are issued by various institutions. For example, a license for construction is issued by the State Inspectorate for Regional Planning and Construction under the Ministry of Environment, licenses for passenger and cargo carriage – by the State Inspectorate for Highway Transport under the Ministry of Transportation; licenses for credit institutions activity – by the Bank of Lithuania, licenses for carrying out the activity of financial brokers, financial broker’s enterprises, managing enterprises, investment societies, pension funds – Securities Commission, etc.


In Lithuania, similar to other countries, it is required to have a license for the certain types of activity. License is a permit to an enterprise, issued by the relevant government authority, to carry out the respective types of activity, specified in the license. Documents required for obtaining the respective license, institutions and the sequence of addressing them, terms and conditions of the license issuance – all these things depend on the type of a license you wish to obtain. In Lithuania, licenses are issued by various institutions. For example, a license for construction is issued by the State Inspectorate for Regional Planning and Construction under the Ministry of Environment, licenses for passenger and cargo carriage – by the State Inspectorate for Highway Transport under the Ministry of Transportation; licenses for credit institutions activity – by the Bank of Lithuania, licenses for carrying out the activity of financial brokers, financial broker’s enterprises, managing enterprises, investment societies, pension funds – Securities Commission, etc.

Types of licenses in Lithuania

  •  restaurant activities;
  •  passenger carriage;
  •  construction;
  •  production of alcoholic products, wholesale trade in alcoholic drinks, production of tobacco products, wholesale trade in tobacco products, tobacco cultivation, purchase of non-denaturated ethyl alcohol, purchase and use of industrial alcohol;
  •  pharmacological activity;
  •  import and export of agricultural goods;
  •  insurance activity;
  •  credit institutions activity;
  •  activity of financial brokers, financial broker’s enterprises, managing enterprises, investment societies, pension funds,
  •  import of textile goods (from Belarus, China);
  •  activity of physical training and sport specialists;
  •  broadcasting and rebroadcasting activity;


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