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5G connectivity development now considered a project of national importance


It’s great to hear that the development of 5G technology has been recognized as a project of national importance by the Lithuanian Government. This acknowledgment reflects the significance of 5G in driving innovation, technological advancements, and the overall development of electronic communications infrastructure in Lithuania.

The recognition of 5G as a project of national importance will likely bring several benefits. Firstly, it will facilitate the sustainable development of the electronic communications infrastructure by expediting the preparation of spatial planning documents. This means that the necessary infrastructure for implementing 5G solutions can be planned and implemented more efficiently.

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It’s great to hear that the development of 5G technology has been recognized as a project of national importance by the Lithuanian Government. This acknowledgment reflects the significance of 5G in driving innovation, technological advancements, and the overall development of electronic communications infrastructure in Lithuania.

The recognition of 5G as a project of national importance will likely bring several benefits. Firstly, it will facilitate the sustainable development of the electronic communications infrastructure by expediting the preparation of spatial planning documents. This means that the necessary infrastructure for implementing 5G solutions can be planned and implemented more efficiently.

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