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Large firms can expect alternative support for testing


The Lithuanian government is currently discussing an alternative method of coronavirus testing that could be applied in large companies, Prime Minister Ingrida Simonyte said on Tuesday.

Her comment came a day after the Cabinet approved 30 million euros to help lockdown-hit small and medium-sized businesses test their employees for COVID-19.

“In recent weeks, we’ve been discussing some other testing methods that would allow large-scale pool testing in large organizations and (…) perhaps we could offer other solutions to large companies to test their employees on a regular basis,” Simonyte told LRT Radio.

“We’re now going to try this method in schools,” she added.

Pooled testing allows testing of several people using only one test. If a pool of samples tests positive, all individuals in the pool are retested. The prime minister noted that some counties are already using the method.


The Lithuanian government is currently discussing an alternative method of coronavirus testing that could be applied in large companies, Prime Minister Ingrida Simonyte said on Tuesday.

Her comment came a day after the Cabinet approved 30 million euros to help lockdown-hit small and medium-sized businesses test their employees for COVID-19.

“In recent weeks, we’ve been discussing some other testing methods that would allow large-scale pool testing in large organizations and (…) perhaps we could offer other solutions to large companies to test their employees on a regular basis,” Simonyte told LRT Radio.

“We’re now going to try this method in schools,” she added.

Pooled testing allows testing of several people using only one test. If a pool of samples tests positive, all individuals in the pool are retested. The prime minister noted that some counties are already using the method.


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