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Government wants to up number of flight destinations to 110 by 2024


Lithuania’s government plans to increase the number of flight destinations to 110 by 2024, from the pre-pandemic 2019 number of 92.

The pre-crisis level is expected to be reached by the middle of 2022, according to the government program’s implementation plan.

Tadas Vasiliauskas of Lietuvos Oro Uostai (LOU), the airport operator in Lithuania, told BNS Lithuania now has 15 flight destinations but the number is expected to at least triple by the end of March.

The Lithuanian government plans to approve a business plan for strategic flight destination in the third quarter of this year.

Representatives of Investuok Lietuvoje (Invest Lithuania), Lithuania’s foreign investment promotion agency, said earlier the priority destinations include Paris CDG, Munich, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Dusseldorf, Amsterdam, Istanbul, Dublin and Geneva.

The government also plans to expand airports’ infrastructure and up the annual number of passengers from 4 to 9 million.

Lithuania’s three airports saw their passenger numbers plunge 72 percent to 1.8 million last year as the number of flights slumped 52 percent to 30,000.


Lithuania’s government plans to increase the number of flight destinations to 110 by 2024, from the pre-pandemic 2019 number of 92.

The pre-crisis level is expected to be reached by the middle of 2022, according to the government program’s implementation plan.

Tadas Vasiliauskas of Lietuvos Oro Uostai (LOU), the airport operator in Lithuania, told BNS Lithuania now has 15 flight destinations but the number is expected to at least triple by the end of March.

The Lithuanian government plans to approve a business plan for strategic flight destination in the third quarter of this year.

Representatives of Investuok Lietuvoje (Invest Lithuania), Lithuania’s foreign investment promotion agency, said earlier the priority destinations include Paris CDG, Munich, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Dusseldorf, Amsterdam, Istanbul, Dublin and Geneva.

The government also plans to expand airports’ infrastructure and up the annual number of passengers from 4 to 9 million.

Lithuania’s three airports saw their passenger numbers plunge 72 percent to 1.8 million last year as the number of flights slumped 52 percent to 30,000.


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